Friends, Mentors, Advocates

Connect and engage with supportive faculty, staff, and students who can help guide you as you navigate life in a new country. Trinity offers mentorship and support opportunities to all international students and scholars.







International engagement ceremony students pose for portrait
Five women sit on a hill in Berlin, Germany.

I-Mentor Program

The I-Mentor Initiative partners new international undergraduate students with peer mentors. Utilizing a vertical mentoring approach, upper classmate students serve as mentors to support individuals in addressing each student’s social, academic, and cultural needs.

Empower students with the resources needed for academic success.

Be Well
Support students’ holistic wellbeing in social, cultural, and health needs.

Facilitate connections with other students, the Trinity community, and San Antonio.

Become a Mentor

Step 1: Fill out the I-Mentor application for mentors.
Step 2: Receive training on becoming a mentor.
Step 3: Get paired with a new international student.
Step 4: Hold regular meetings with your mentee.

Become a Mentee

Step 1: Fill out the I-Mentor application for new international students.
Step 2: Get paired with an upper-division student mentor.
Step 3: Attend regular meetings with your mentor.

For more information on the I-Mentor Initiative, contact

2020-2021 I-Mentor Awards

Congratulations to our I-Mentor awardees:

Mentor of the Year: Huy Hoang
Mentee of the Year: Hejun Xiao
Team of the Year: Vy Le, Thuong Le

two friends hug while posing for a photo in the Prassel kitchen during a Thanksgiving dinner

Friends of Trinity International Students

Friends of Trinity International Students, or FTIS, enables students to make friends with American families and individuals in the San Antonio area.

Trinity faculty and staff often participate in FTIS, welcoming international students as part of their families and communities. Trinity supporters and donors also often connect with international students through this program.

FTIS pairings are made at the beginning of an international student’s first year, and are intended to last through the student’s entire four years at Trinity.

For more information about FTIS, contact

three faculty members chat over breakfast

Peer-to-Peer Mentoring

All new faculty at Trinity University are paired with a faculty mentor to help adjust to life as a teacher, researcher, and adviser. Faculty-student interaction is at the heart of the Trinity student experience, and your faculty mentor can help you balance your new role working with students, other faculty, and the University at large—all while navigating a new workplace, city, country, and culture.

For more information about peer faculty mentors, contact Academic Affairs at

Group of 35 students and faculty in Monterrey

A Global Network

Being a part of the Trinity community means you’re also a part of a global network, and these connections last a lifetime. As Trinity international alumni, you have access to continued support through ISSS:

 Assistance with employment and job placement for up to 36 months after graduation

 Help making connections with other Trinity alumni in countries around the world

For more information about international alumni benefits and support, contact