Transgender / Nonbinary Support and Discussion Group

This group is for enrolled Trinity students. A wide variety of students participate including students who identify as trans men, trans women, transmasculine, transfeminine, nonbinary, agender, gender fluid, as well as students questioning their gender identity or expression. The group meets every other Tuesday from 5:15pm to 6:30pm in the Counseling Services office, but is subject to change. There is an option to join the meeting virtually.  

Some students initially feared they were “not trans enough” to participate. That has never been true. If you have any doubt about whether you are appropriate for the group, consult one of the co-facilitators.

This is not a psychotherapy group. Therefore, no participant becomes a client of Counseling Services by virtue of participating in the group, and no record of any meeting is kept other than attendance.

If interested, please fill out this form to stay up to date on meeting times and events.

Schedule: Every two weeks
Duration: 75 minutes
Confidentiality: What’s said in the group stays in the group with a rare exception described in Group Details.
Althea Delwiche, Ph.D.
Mal Diaz, LPC-Associate
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Counseling Services

Infinite Connection: A Neurodivergent Student Group

The group is for enrolled Trinity students who identify as neurodivergent. Neurodivergent (ND) means having a mind that functions in ways which diverge significantly from the dominant societal standards of “normal.” The group aims to be inclusive of students who identify with autism, dyslexia, ADHD or who otherwise identify as neurodivergent. The group is also accepting of students who are questioning a neurodivergent identity.

The group adopts the notion that conditions like autism, dyslexia, and ADHD should be regarded as naturally occurring cognitive variations with distinctive strengths that have contributed to the evolution of technology and culture, rather than mere checklists of deficits and dysfunctions

Participants share and discuss their experiences of being ND students on campus and explore strategies for navigating through challenges.

This is not a psychotherapy group; therefore, no participant becomes a client of Counseling Services by virtue of participating in the group, and no record of any meeting is kept other than attendance.

Grief Support Group

The group is for enrolled Trinity students who are grieving the death of one or more friends and/or family members. This group aims to offer a safe space for students to share openly about their grief, make connections with students who have similar experiences, and grow in their personal grief journey. Members also join in conversation about coping skills and resources for navigating their grief.

This is not a psychotherapy group; therefore, no participant becomes a client of Counseling Services by virtue of participating in the group, and no record of any meeting is kept other than attendance.

Chronicity: A Support Group for Students with Chronic Illness

This group is for enrolled Trinity students who are faced with issues related to a chronic physical health condition. Examples of these conditions include, but are not limited to: IBS, autoimmune conditions, fibromyalgia, diabetes, heart conditions, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), asthma, chronic pain, long-term COVID, and cerebral palsy.

Various topics will be covered in an effort to help students cope with the daily experience of living with a chronic illness. Members will be invited to bring up relevant topics that they would like to discuss as they reference the 4 V’s: Vent/adVice/Validate/adVocate. Students will be encouraged to Ventilate their concerns. A space will be provided to provide and receive adVice. And finally, students will experience a sense of Validation from the communal experience of participating in a group and the overall encouragement of self-adVocacy..

This is not a psychotherapy group; therefore, no participant becomes a client of Counseling Services by virtue of participating in the group, and no record of any meeting is kept other than attendance.

Schedule: Every two to three weeks
Duration: 60 minutes
Confidentiality: What’s said in the group stays in the group with a rare exception described in Group Details.
Contact: Claudia Rodriguez Kypuros, Ph.D., LCSW
Sponsored by: Counseling Services

First Gen Folx Discussion Group

This group is for enrolled Trinity students who identify as first generation college students. First Generation means your parents have never completed a college degree.
We recognize that as a first generation student, you will face unique experiences as you begin this exciting journey at Trinity University. Many first generation college students experience unique strengths and challenges in pursuit of a college education while learning to adjust to the academic culture and maintaining the culture and traditions of their family of origin.

This group aims to offer a safe space for students to share openly about their experiences as a first generation student, support and nurture student’s intellectual, social, personal, and professional development; and make connections with students who have similar experiences.

Topics emerge from the participants. However, some possible topics may include: managing stress, imposter syndrome, relationships, family, career options, and holistic wellness.

This is not a psychotherapy group; therefore, no participant becomes a client of Counseling Services by virtue of participating in the group, and no record of any meeting is kept other than attendance.

Schedule: Every two weeks
Duration: 60 minutes
Confidentiality: What’s said in the group stays in the group with a rare exception described in Group Details.
Contact: Monica Solis-Hoefl, LPC-S or Elseke Membreño-Zenteno
Sponsored by: Counseling Services