President Beasley talking to faculty and staff at a reception
Welcome to Trinity TUday!
A note from President Beasley

Trinity community,

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Trinity TUday, a new weekly bulletin showcasing relevant stories and information for Trinity faculty and staff. We created this platform with three basic purposes in mind: to increase transparency, to share information, and to build community. Check this newsletter and its companion website for news about campus life, notices about upcoming events and invitations for engagement, timely policy updates, information from departments and divisions, and more. 

Trinity TUday is one more way for us to share what it means to work and learn together at Trinity University. Speaking more personally, it will also be another way for me and other campus leaders to speak to you directly about new ideas and initiatives. Enjoy this newsletter—TUday and every Wednesday during the academic year—and take a few minutes to read about the opportunities, values, and vision that connect our vibrant campus community of faculty and staff.


President Vanessa B. Beasley


Vanessa B. Beasley, Ph.D., is Trinity University's 20th President. Beasley leads one of the nation's top liberal arts universities, guided by Trinity's student-centered mission and vision.

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